The Jaxon Mightyman Project

An introduction to the world of our latest endeavor, The Jaxon Mightyman project.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Jaxon Mightyman Project

What is "The Jaxon Mightyman Project" you might ask. The answer is simple. Given the huge initial success of our last endeavor, “The Janglo Superstar Project” (, company founders Ariella Vaccarino and her husband Michael Shawn Harbour realized that, having cornered the market on cuteness so quickly, they would take advantage of their inertia and begin another project that would test the boundaries of adorability. This project would be coined “The Jaxon Mightyman Project” shortly after it was begun 10 months ago. We believe after looking at the evidence below that you will find this second project of ours in less than two years equally as compelling and just as successful as our first.

Weighing 7 pounds and 3 and 1/4 ounces, and at a length of 20 inches at the commencement of the project (at approximately 10:35am on Friday, September the 1st, 2006), The Project was released into the world at the UCLA Santa Monica hospital maternity ward by Dr. Sharon Pushkin, second generation Ob-Gyn and willing participant in all two of our company’s endeavors.

Why "Jaxon" you might ask?

Well Aaron, and Kyle, and Martin, and Dale, and Saladin, and Randy, and Bob, and Jonah, and Nebuchadnezzar, and Peter, and Jor-El, and Anakin, and Jesus, and Charley, and Ringo, and Isaac, and Janglo and so on... and so on... were already taken.

So the Founders decided that they would have to come up with something fresh. Taking a careful look over The Project, they noted that the boy had both Jewish and Anglo/Saxon roots like his brother-project and thought to themselves, "What we have here is a Jewish/Saxon..." or "Jaxon" for short. And thus the first Jaxon was born into the world.

And why "Mightyman"?

Why not?

When considering a middle name for their project, the Founders decided to take a look at "the middle name" itself one more time - that poor, unloved, bastard step-brother to the firstborn "Christian name", forever closeted except for boring legal affairs such as driver's licenses, birth certificates, graduation diplomas and the like. After all, who knew that Grandma’s middle name was Irma or that your Great-Uncle had no middle name at all?

Taking all of this into consideration, the founders of The Janglo Superstar Project decided to give the boy a middle name that would knock the Custom Agent's socks off and told him/her that this person passing through with his little blue passport was not someone to be trifled with.

And thus he became Jaxon Mightyman Vaccarino Harbour.

And now, as evidence of the brilliance of their plan and execution, the founders of the Jaxon Mightyman Project dare you to look below and look into the face of superadorability itself...



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